Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, and in accordance with guidance from the Governor’s Office and the Washington State Department of Health, Saint Joseph Parish is closed but open for Mass celebrations. Daily Chapel is open from 12:00P.M.-5:00P.M. Our office is open from 10:AM thru 5:00P.M. (Closed for lunch from 11:30AM-12:30PM) We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions or need further assistance please call: 509-248-1911
Debido a la pandemia, la Parroquia San José esta cerrada pero está abierta durante las celebraciones de las misas. La Capilla diaria esta abierta de 12:00P.M. a 5:00P.M. La oficina esta está abierta. Para cualquier pregunta o informacion por favor llámenos al 248-1911.